MMBI is one of the most northern academic institutes where fundamental and scientific-applied issues of modern marine biology, oceanography and ecology are solved. 89 scientific employees including 1 academician, 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 18 doctors and 41 candidates of sciences are working at the Institute. MMBI has fully equipped up-to-date research vessel "Dalnie Zelentsy" and scientific stations in the Kola bay, at the coast of the Barents Sea in Dalnie Zelentsy settlement, on archipelagoes Svalbard and Franz Josef Land and in Azov Branch on the coast of the Taganrog bay. Council on defense of candidate’s and doctoral dissertations on oceanology operates at Institute. MMBI KSC RAS is the oldest institution of Russian Academy of Sciences in the North. In 2015 MMBI will celebrate its 80th anniversary.